
  • Advanced booking is greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
  • For first contact, which must made through the specified means (see my contact page), please make sure you supply as much information as you feel comfortable providing, such as your first name, age, general appearance, interests etc.Please be discreet and do not use explicit words.No withheld numbers please.
  • The donation for our arrangement should be in an envelope and left in clear view for me to see upon my arrival. Never make me ask for it.
  • To fully enjoy a meeting, you must be freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
  • Please do not over stay our date. If you would like to extend our time, please ask me if I have additional time available and provide additional donation for the time you would like to spend.
  • No gratuities are ever expected, but for if you would like to surprise me with a gift then please feel free to ask or get inspiration from my wish list.
  • The donations are for my time and companionship only and they are not negotiable.
  • Iโ€™m in recovery - if I suspect you have been drinking or using I will cancel your appointment.
  • Multi hour appointments do not entitle non stop action, breaks every now and again are necessary
  • Please contact me about an hour prior to appointments to confirm
  • Donโ€™t worry about doing something that crosses a boundary (within reason). I know youโ€™re not a mind reader and I will clearly explain if something happens that crosses a line for me. I will not, however, be willing to allow a repeat offence and may end the session if youโ€™re disrespectful of my boundaries.
  • DO NOT show up to your appointment expecting to negotiate/get a deal. Specials are available when I am offering them only and I will give you the price not the other way around.
  • NO COLOGNE OR STRONG SCENTS. I have asthma and donโ€™t need a breathing emergency.
  • Do not walk in to our appointment and immediately start groping me. Business before pleasure and it makes me feel like youโ€™re trying to take advantage of me and/or rip me off. I will say this again because clearly it needs repeating: have my donation ready if you have not paid in advance; do not make me ask for it. Do not dangle cash in front of me and slowly count as if we did not discuss rates prior to your arrival. This makes me feel cheap and focuses far too much on the business portion of our session - majorly taking away from the fun part.
  • Appointments are one-on-one; you cannot split the time so you can split the bill with a friend ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ Iโ€™m kind of shaking my head at having to write this but have had this asked three times just in the last week!
  • CONGRATULATIONS for having read my entire list of boundaries! Itโ€™s a relief when I know I wonโ€™t have to repeat myself and so quote: RELIEF10 to get a ten dollar discount for reading through my boundaries and expectations as they are so important! Hope to see you soon, darlings!